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Paths to permanency

The permanent placement principles provide guidance on finding the best permanent home option for a child or young person. The principles cover preservation, restoration, guardianship, open adoption and parental responsibility to the Minister.


A priority of the Permanency Support Program is keeping children safely together with their families wherever possible. We work to achieve this through early intervention and effective family support.

Restoration is reuniting a child or young person with their parents when it is safe to do so. It is the preferred permanency option for a child or young person placed in out-of-home care (OOHC), while their family is supported to build skills to keep their children safe and ensure they will thrive when they are back in their care.

Tools to support parents keep their children safe

Family group conferencing

Family group conferencing is a family-focused, strengths based program used mainly to resolve contact disputes. It gives families a stronger voice in decisions about their children’s care.

Family group conferencing has been shown to have a positive effect on family relationships. It helps:

  • improve communication within the family
  • reduce family conflict
  • keep children safe.

Participating in family group conferencing is voluntary. Our family group conferencing model includes information sharing, private family time and agreeing to a family plan. Private family time gives families time to make decisions about how they will ensure their child is safe.

Additional resources

Contact with family, community and Country

As with all children in OOHC, while children are being restored to their parents, it is important that they retain connection with their family, community and Country.

More information on connections and contact.

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Last updated: 16 Oct 2023