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For carers and children

Key projects to support successful transition include Aboriginal capacity building, carer authorisation and recruitment, and the Referral Management System

Benefits of transferring

For most children in care, transferring to a non-government agency will cause little disruption to their daily lives. Moving to a new agency won’t mean a change of address, and children can still see siblings, family and friends as they do now.

Out-of-home care agencies are growing and welcoming Community Services carers on board. By the end of the transition, most carers in NSW looking after children and young people in statutory care will be supported by a non-government agency.

Some of the benefits non-government agencies can provide to children and carers include:

  • better and more-regular access to a caseworker to support kids and carers
  • support and training for carers
  • case plan reviews – where the caseworker will work with you to support the child or young person’s needs, including health, education and special needs
  • clear processes in place to resolve issues when there are disagreements
  • access to programs such as mentoring, cultural support, homework centres, disability programs, camps, school holiday activities, youth programs.

In the future, children and young people entering statutory care for the first time will go to a carer at a non-government agency.

You can find out more about agencies providing out-of-home care services in your area at

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Last updated: 24 Sep 2019