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Families from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds can now access a new training package to assist them in their transition to Australia.

The free, digital resource for the award-winning program, Achieving School Success, was developed to assist families from non-English speaking backgrounds to navigate the Australian education system and services for children and families.

Initiated by the Department of Communitesi and Jusitce (DCJ), the program assists parents to better support their school aged children by providing a safe and secure home, understanding how to navigate the education system and knowing where to turn for assistance. Achieving School Success represents a partnership between multiple community organisations and government departments. In 2014, the program won DCJ’ Mary Dimech Multicultural Award for a team program.

Achieving School Success has already been delivered to hundreds of families across Greater Sydney and with demand for the program building, this free digital training package will mobilise the initiative and facilitate its use in even the most remote of Australian communities.

The training package has been designed for easy use within the community sector. It includes translated program resources, family activities and content designed to explain the key features of the Australian education system. It also demonstrates the importance of positive family support and safe home environments in child academic and life success.

Download the Achieving School Success training package.

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Last updated: 22 Oct 2019