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Retaining existing affordable housing

The Affordable Rental Housing SEPP also contains provisions which aim to retain affordable rental housing. These provisions enable local councils to impose a levy on a development if it is going to result in the loss of existing low cost rental housing. Funds collected in this way are then used by the NSW Government to support the development of boarding house accommodation in this location.

The NSW Department of Planning has developed guidelines for retaining existing affordable housing which detail how to implement these provisions, including when and how to impose a levy and what to do with the funds collected.

Payment and transfer of levies collected

The Minister for Planning has issued a direction under section 94G of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 requiring the consent authority, upon receiving the contribution in the form of a levy, to transfer it to the Secretary, NSW Department of Communities and Justice. These contributions will be used to fund the Boarding House Financial Assistance Program and provide financial assistance to support the construction of new, self-contained boarding house accommodation.

Local councils should forward contributions together with the completed Details of Contribution Form to:

Manager, Centre for Affordable Housing
Department of Communities and Justice
Locked Bag 4001
Ashfield BC NSW 1800

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Last updated: 23 Oct 2019