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How and when we become involved

We have an interest in assisting and working with service providers to resolve matters that pose a risk to the delivery of funded services to clients. This includes issues with an organisation’s internal management, which may indicate underlying problems with its governance practices or actions of the governing body.

The form and degree of our involvement will vary according to the circumstances, including:

  • the nature and seriousness of the issues raised in the complaint
  • how we became aware of the complaint; for example, we may have been the recipient of the complaint or it may have been referred to us by another agency
  • how responsive the service provider has been in resolving the issues raised in the complaint
  • whether the complainant is satisfied with the service provider’s response to, and resolution of the issues.

Depending on the nature and/or number of complaints about a service provider, we may need to:

  • review the complaint and your response, and provide assistance or support, or investigate the matter further
  • review your complaints mechanism

if necessary, develop and implement a formal improvement plan.

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Last updated: 24 Sep 2019