Housing forms
Forms for applying for housing assistance and managing a tenancy with DCJ
Showing 1 - 6 of 6 items
Change of circumstance - applications DCJ3015
This form is to be completed by applicants (including approved transfer applicants) to advise a social housing provider of any changes to their circumstances
Client Death Notification Form
Client Death Notification Form (CDN) Electronic Version Last updated April 2018
Client feedback form DCJ0155
This form is used to provide feedback to Homes NSW about its services
Consent form - information sharing to prevent domestic violence Part 13A of the Crimes (Domestic and Personal Violence) Act 2007 DCJ0194
This form is to be completed by social housing clients who are at risk of domestic and family violence and are providing consent for a social housing provider to share your information with other service [...]
Consent forms from other agencies - checklist DH0172
This checklist is to be used by DCJ Housing staff to ensure all consent to exchange client information forms, issued by other agencies contain the required information
Consent to exchange information between support workers/service providers DCJ0145
This form is to give permission for support agencies to share information to help you as best possible