Housing forms
Forms for applying for housing assistance and managing a tenancy with DCJ
Showing 1 - 10 of 18 items
Recognition as a Tenant Application - DCJ3007
Use this form to apply for recognition as a tenant or a provisional lease for a public or Aboriginal Housing Office property
Relinquishment of tenancy consent DCJ3006
This form is to be completed and signed by the Homes NSW tenant when they want to end their Homes NSW tenancy agreement
Rent Choice Assist Application Form DH2035
This form is to be completed by a client applying for Rent Choice Assist to set up or retain a private rental tenancy.
Rent Choice Brokerage Expenditure Plan DH2031
This form is to be completed by a delegated social housing provider staff member, or a Support Provider and submitted to an authorised provider for approval for proposed and actual brokerage purchases.
Rent Choice Independence Support Plan (ISP) and agreement DH2026
This form is to be completed by the RSL DefenceCare for Rent Choice Veterans clients or a Support Provider for Rent Choice Youth clients. The ISP agreement is between the client and DCJ Housing (open [...]
Rent Choice program exit and evaluation (Renting) DH2027
This form is to be completed by the DCJ Private Rental Specialist Rent Choice housing officer, or support worker to gather exit information when a client stops receiving Rent Choice
Rent Choice Quarterly Client Review DH2030
This form is to be completed by the DCJ Private Rental Specialist for Rent Choice Start Safely or the Support Provider for Rent Choice Youth or LifeCare Housing Officer for Rent Choice Veterans when conducting [...]
Rent Choice Referral Form DCJ0214
This form is to be completed by the support agency intending to support the person during the time they receive the subsidy (download to your drive and open in a pdf viewer)
Rent Choice Subsidy and Change of Circumstances DH2029
This form is to be completed by a client receiving a Rent Choice product, or a service provider representing a Rent Choice client to advise of any changes to their circumstances
Rent Choice Youth Partner Facilitation Group Client Consent DH0216
Rent Choice Youth Partner Facilitation Group Client Consent Form DH0216