Housing forms
Forms for applying for housing assistance and managing a tenancy with DCJ
Showing 21 - 30 of 85 items
Application form for product listing in Homes NSW Deemed to Comply Product Register
Complete this form to have your product assessed against the performance criteria outlined in the Homes NSW Component Requirements
Application forms
Listing of FACS Housing application forms.
Appointment of an agent DH1039
This form is to be completed by the DCJ tenant to authorise a person act on their behalf while they are absent from their dwelling
Authority for Bond Loan deduction DH2012
Please complete this form if you want Centrelink to send your Bond Loan payment directly to DCJ
Authority for Electronic Funds Transfer DH0147
This form is to be completed by the vendor to advise DCJ Housing of bank details to be used in EFT transactions
Authority for rent deduction DCJ1011
If you are a Homes NSW tenant on Centrelink income, you are required to sign this form as a condition of the tenancy agreement and Centrelink will send your housing payments to the accounts you [...]
Bond Extra claim DH2053
This form is to be completed by a Landlord/Agent making a claim against a Bond Extra.
Change of circumstance - applications DCJ3015
This form is to be completed by applicants (including approved transfer applicants) to advise a social housing provider of any changes to their circumstances
Client Death Notification Form
Client Death Notification Form (CDN) Electronic Version Last updated April 2018
Client feedback form DCJ0155
This form is used to provide feedback to Homes NSW about its services