Housing forms
Forms for applying for housing assistance and managing a tenancy with DCJ
Showing 31 - 40 of 85 items
Consent form - information sharing to prevent domestic violence Part 13A of the Crimes (Domestic and Personal Violence) Act 2007 DCJ0194
This form is to be completed by social housing clients who are at risk of domestic and family violence and are providing consent for a social housing provider to share your information with other service [...]
Consent forms from other agencies - checklist DH0172
This checklist is to be used by DCJ Housing staff to ensure all consent to exchange client information forms, issued by other agencies contain the required information
Consent to exchange information between support workers/service providers DCJ0145
This form is to give permission for support agencies to share information to help you as best possible
Details of Contribution Form
This form is used to provide information about the contribution being forwarded from Council to the Department of Family and Community Services, and the development which has resulted in a loss of affordable housing
Details of land or property ownership DCJ3013
This form is to be completed by a tenant or an applicant for social housing if you, or someone in your household owns any land or property
Direct debit request DCJ1031
This form is to be completed and signed by a tenant or other household member to allow Homes NSW to create, vary or cancel direct debit payments for rent, or other charges from their bank [...]
Dividing Fences Application form DCJ0151
This form is to be used when an adjoining private owner approaches Homes NSW requesting to repair or replace a common boundary fence. To edit, Download and Save form to your drive. Then navigate to [...]
Domestic and Family Violence - Notice to Terminate Tenancy DH2041
Domestic and Family Violence - Notice to Terminate Tenancy DH2041, use this form to advice FACS that you need to terminate your DCJ managed property due to Domestic and Family Violence
Employment income details DCJ1054B
This form is to be completed by the employer to confirm the income details for their employee who is a client of social housing
Evidence requirements information sheet DCJ3001a
This information sheet contains a list of the evidence that we will accept for each question where evidence is required to support your application for housing assistance