Homelessness publications
List of all publications related to Homelessness
Showing 1 - 10 of 75 items
Home and Healthy Evaluation Report
The final report focuses on the key evaluation elements, includes a review of existing tools used to assess complexity of need and triage persons experiencing homelessness, and discusses what lessons can be learned from this [...]
Protocol for homeless people in public places
The Protocol for Homeless People in Public Places (the Protocol) assists and guides government, non-government organisations, and private businesses to interact and engage with people experiencing homelessness, so they are treated respectfully, with dignity, and [...]
Data dashboards instructions
The Pathways to Homelessness report is accompanied by interactive dashboards. These dashboards provide the opportunity to explore the dataset in more depth.
Pathways to Homelessness final report, December 2021
The Pathways to Homelessness report analyses a major linked dataset to identify the key risk factors, service use, and costs across government for people experiencing or at risk of homelessness.
Post-Temporary Accommodation Housing Assistance report
DCJ Housing Statewide Services commissioned ARTD Consultants to undertake a small research project to gather evidence about housing assistance for Temporary Accommodation recipients after the end of their Temporary Accommodation period.
Overcrowding and Severe Overcrowding Report
The Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) commissioned research by the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI)
Overcrowding and Severe Overcrowding Report: Policy Evidence Summary
Policy evidence summary report: Based on AHURI Professional Services report
Cox Inall Ridgeway full report 2020
Consultation report and strategic advice for improving the provision of specialist homelessness services for Aboriginal people in NSW
Cox Inall Ridgeway summary overview 2020
Overview Report: Community engagement report back and strategic advice for improving the provision of specialist homelessness services for Aboriginal people in NSW
Early Review of the Specialist Homelessness Services Program
The Early Review was conducted by researchers from the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute and the Social Policy Research Centre at UNSW Sydney.