QAF Resources
This page provides a collection of all Quality Assurance Framework resources in one convenient place.
Showing 1 - 10 of 15 items
Aboriginal Communities Consultation Report
Aboriginal Cultural and Spiritual Identity Forum for the Quality Assurance Framework for statutory OOHC November 2016
Culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities consultation report
Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Cultural and Spiritual Identity Forum for the Quality Assurance Framework for statutory OOHC November 2016
NSW Statutory OOHC: Quality Assurance Framework – Section 1 Context and Consultations
NSW statutory out-of-home care: Quality Assurance Framework Section 1: Context and consultations Parenting Research Centre and University of Melbourne August 2015
NSW Statutory OOHC: Quality Assurance Framework – Section 2 Narrative Review
NSW statutory out-of-home care: Quality Assurance Framework Section 2: Narrative review Parenting Research Centre and University of Melbourne August 2015
NSW Statutory OOHC: Quality Assurance Framework – Section 3 The Quality Assurance Framework
NSW statutory out‐of‐home care: Quality Assurance Framework Section 3: The Quality Assurance Framework QAF Parenting Research Centre and University of Melbourne August 2015
PRC and University of Melbourne - Quality Assurance Framework Exec-summary-2015
A number of consultations were conducted with key stakeholders from the NSW Office of the Children’s Guardian (OCG), DCJ, peak organisations and NGO service providers between July 2014 and March 2015.
QAF - Child or young person’s voice
Quality Assurance Framework - Child or young person’s voice infographic to help prepare caseworkers for the QAF rollout
QAF - Child Outcomes
Quality Assurance Framework - Child Outcomes infographic to help prepare caseworkers for the QAF rollout
Sample Brief Assessment Checklist (BAC)
A series of statements requiring you to circle the number that best describes your child in the last 4 to 6 months.
Sample Child Behaviour Checklist (CBCL)
Sample Only: Child Behaviour Checklist for Ages 6 to 18. Please fill out this form to reflect your view of the child's behaviour even if other people might not agree. Feel free to print additional [...]