Private rental assistance
Private Rental Assistance provides financial assistance for eligible clients to help them set up or maintain a tenancy in the private rental market.
Private rental assistance:
- helps clients to establish or keep a sustainable tenancy in the private sector
- provides quick financial help with housing related costs to clients in need, particularly those facing homelessness
- helps tenants whom DCJ Housing has assessed as ineligible for a public housing lease extension due to their income and assets, to make the move to private rental accommodation.
Private Rental Assistance products include:
- Rentstart – helping clients to set up and maintain a private rental tenancy (for more information, visit the Rentstart page or view the Rentstart Bond Loan and Private Rental Assistance factsheets)
- Statement of Satisfactory Tenancy – a tenancy reference to help former DCJ Housing tenants secure a private rental tenancy (for more information, view the Statement of Satisfactory Tenancy factsheet)
- Private Rental Brokerage – supporting clients to gain access to the private rental market (for more information, view the Private Rental Assistance factsheet)
- Bond Extra – providing financial guarantees for landlords and real estate agents to rent properties to clients having difficulty entering the private rental market (for more information, view the Private Rental Assistance factsheet)
- Private Rental Subsidies – assists clients with HIV/AIDS, a disability or those at risk due to domestic violence to access affordable private rental accommodation (for more information, view the Private Rental Subsidy factsheet)
To apply for private rental assistance, visit the Private Rental Assistance Application Forms page.
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Last updated: 18 Oct 2023