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Browse Living in social housing

  • Rights and responsibilities

    Understand your rights as a tenant, what your responsibilities are and how your tenancy is managed
  • Paying rent and other charges

    Information on how rent is set, access to payment options for rent and water and an overview of other charges you may need to pay
  • Repairs, modifications and maintenance to a property

    Find out how to request maintenance, understand what changes you can ask for or make to your home.
  • Help for job seekers and students

    We’re helping you access training programs to gain skills and jobs.
  • Move, swap or transfer housing

    Find information on transferring to more suitable home, swapping homes with another tenant and moving out of social housing
  • Health, safety and savings at home

    Tips for reducing your energy and water bills, managing your household and reducing health risks at home
  • Management Transfer Program

    Find out more about when and where the management of some tenancies is transferring to community housing providers
  • Community housing tenants

    Community housing tenants are tenants of the community housing provider. They are not tenants of DCJ Housing
  • Headleasing Guidelines

    These Guidelines have been developed to assist both landlords and real estate agents to better understand the operational requirements when dealing with DCJ on matters relating to Headleasing.
  • Visiting your home

    Information on why our staff may be required to visit your home.
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Last updated: 16 Aug 2023