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DCJ recognises that there is two types of internal painting – major internal painting and minor internal painting (decorative coat).

Major internal painting

Major painting is any painting where restoration or preparation of the walls is necessary. This includes:

  • surface preparation
  • sanding
  • applying undercoats.

Tenants will not be granted approval to undertake major internal painting – this can only be undertaken by DCJ contractors.

Minor internal painting (decorative coat)

A decorative coat is one or two coats of paint applied to the wall surface only. Only pastel or neutral colours and 100 percent acrylic (water based) paint may be used. You are not allowed to:

  • use dark colours such as black, brown, red and purple
  • paint doors, ceiling or architraves
  • hang wallpaper or paint decorative friezes
  • undertake any type of preparation work, sand or apply undercoats as this is considered major internal painting.

How do I get approval to do minor internal painting work?

We will consider your application for minor internal painting for decorative purposes.

You need to get approval through your local DCJ office. If your property is due to be painted under our Maintenance Programmed Works, you may not be allowed to paint.

It is important to keep in mind that if the property is scheduled for programmed works in the future it could be re-painted with our standard colours. In this case you will not be eligible for compensation if you’ve applied a decorative coat.

Can I claim back the cost of minor internal painting?

No. We will not pay costs for any decorative painting you do.

Do I need to meet DCJ standards?

Yes. If a property inspection finds the painting does not meet DCJ standards or you have done other painting without approval, you may be responsible for damage charges.

What guidelines should I follow?

You should follow the paint manufacturer’s guidelines.

Painting can be dangerous – to the person applying the paint and to all occupants.

As a minimum you should always follow the manufacturer’s advice about:

  • the handling and disposal of paint
  • undertaking work in well ventilated locations due to possible fumes
  • using ladders, and
  • protection of floor covering and your personal belongings.

Before painting, clean the walls with mild detergent diluted in water and make sure power outlets and switches are covered

Do not carry out the work unless you are competent to do so.

Why can’t I do major internal painting?

Major internal painting should only be done by qualified tradespeople organised by DCJ, so the work meets certain standards and guidelines, including fire safety.

This includes surface preparation, sanding, applying undercoats or any other activities which affect the integrity of the surface.

Always contact your local DCJ office prior to commencing any painting.

How do you decide which properties receive major internal painting?

DCJ does annual compliance assessment surveys to identify properties which require maintenance, including major internal painting. We then prioritise and schedule these works as part of our Maintenance Programmed Works. We will tell you if major internal painting is scheduled for your home.

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Last updated: 01 Jul 2024