Factsheets for housing applicants
Factsheets about eligibility and applying for social housing assistance
Showing 1 - 10 of 92 items
Aboriginal Housing Office rent: Commonwealth Rent Assistance
If you live in an AHO property, it's important to apply for CRA to ensure you pay the correct amount of rent
About Housing Pathways factsheet
Housing Pathways is a fair and easy way to apply for different types of social housing in NSW with a single application form
About MyHousing Online Services
In MyHousing
Online services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. All you need is a computer, smartphone or tablet with an internet connection.
Accessibility - MyHousing Account and Information help
In MyHousing Account and Information help / Chapters
Help to register for and use the MyHousing Account and Information online service
Accounts - MyHousing Account and Information help
In MyHousing Account and Information help / Chapters
Help to register for and use the MyHousing Account and Information online service
Allocation zones - Choose where you want to live
In Choose where you want to live / Chapters
How to choose an allocation zone in your application for housing assistance
Am I eligible for affordable rental housing? - Renting affordable housing
In Renting affordable housing / Chapters
Find information about affordable rental housing, who is eligible, how rent is set and how to apply
Appeals and reviewing community housing provider decisions
Factsheet for community housing tenants and applicants
Appeals and reviewing decisions
What decisions made by Homes NSW can be appealed and how the review process works
Appeals online help
In MyHousing
This page contains useful information about online appeals. Topics covered include: Register to get started, Electronic Identification, Uploading Documents, Save for Later and Continue, Forgot my Form ID, Forgot my Password, Review and Submit, and [...]