Last published 18 Jan 2018
Private rental advice
Advice to help you understand the private rental market and how to secure and maintain tenancy
Documents you need
Rental references
A real estate agent or landlord may want:
- written or verbal references from agents or landlords
- a history of your accommodation for the past few years
- rent receipts (if you have them)
- personal references from employers, or other people who know you well.
Evidence of income
You can show evidence of your regular income with:
- current payslips from your employer/s
- an income statement from Centrelink
If you need help to register online with Centrelink or to access your statement, ask staff at DCJ Housing.
Personal identification (ID)
You will need to show the agent your identification.
Check what documents the agent will accept for identification as this varies.
Examples of personal identification include:
- photographic identification – eg driver’s licence, passport or other forms of photo ID
- Medicare and/or health care card
- birth certificate or birth card (can be obtained from the Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages, or the Clerk of the Local Court in country towns).
The Department of Human Services has a list of identification documents you can use to confirm your identity.
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Last updated: 30 Oct 2019