Blacktown and Hills Women Escaping Domestic Violence and Other Families, including Western Sydney Domestic Violence After Hours Support (DVAHS)
Blacktown and Hills women escaping domestic violence (operating as Refuge Outreach Action Response = ROAR) supports women and their children escaping domestic and family violence, and women with children leaving custody or other institutional settings. It also supports men with children, other family groups as well as Aboriginal people experiencing Domestic and Family Violence and homelessness.
The service provides intensive response for client with complex needs, as well as rapid rehousing, prevention and early intervention through outreach support to women with children and other families residing within the Blacktown and The Hills local government areas.
Crisis and transitional accommodation are provided to women with children and other families, and intensive responses for complex needs are provided to women with children and other families as outreach and/or supported accommodation. This service has a strong focus on responses for Aboriginal women and is accessible to women from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.
Pet accommodation is available for refuge residents.
This service provides Domestic Violence Response Enhancement (DVRE) to strength their after hours responses to women in crisis.
This service provides two women’s refuges:
- Essie Women’s Refuge
- Pam’s Place Crisis Accommodation Resource & Referral Service.
This service supports: women; Aboriginal people; families
Lead provider: Domestic Violence NSW Service Management
Phone: (02) 9621 0800