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Bourke & Cobar Upper West Homelessness and Housing Support Service

Bourke & Cobar Upper West Homelessness and Housing Support Service (operating as CatholicCare Wilcannia-Forbes) supports young people, women, men and families who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, including those who are escaping domestic and family violence. It has a strong focus on services for Aboriginal people.

This service provides early interventions, crisis and transitional accommodation and post crisis support to assist people to break the cycle of homelessness. It also supports clients to access long term and secure accommodation.

This service also includes a Safe House program that aims to meet the needs of women in Aboriginal communities.

This service provides the women’s safe house:

  • Bourke Women and Children’s Safe House (ph: 6872 1551 – 24/7 on-call service).

This service supports: young people; women; men; Aboriginal people; families

Lead provider: CatholicCare Wilcannia-Forbes Ltd

Phone: (02) 6872 1551, 1800 067 067, Cobar - (02) 6836 2172