Eastern Suburbs Multipurpose Youth Homelessness Support Service
This service operating as Caretakers Cottage, provides trauma informed service for young people with complex needs aged under 25 years who are at home or living independently and are at risk of becoming homeless, and young people with complex needs under the age of 21 years who are experiencing homelessness.
It delivers prevention and early intervention, supported crisis accommodation, transitional accommodation, and rapid rehousing.
It also provides support to young people experiencing mental health issues, those recently release from correctional facilities, young people exiting out-of-home care and young people involved in alcohol and other drug misuse.
This service has a strong focus on responses for Aboriginal young people and is accessible to young people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.
This service supports: young people; Aboriginal people
Lead provider: Caretakers Cottage Inc. Provider partner: Ted Noffs Foundation Inc.
Phone: (02) 9389 0999