Far West Homeless Youth Assistance Program (HYAP)
The Far West Homeless Youth Assistance Program (HYAP) supports children and young people aged 12 – 15 years who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of becoming homeless in the Broken Hill, Wentworth Shire and Central Darling LGA.
This service will work with young people and other agencies to undertake co-ordinated case planning and management where multiple providers work together to provide wrap-around services to address the young person’s needs. It also helps young people to maintain or re-engage with education opportunities.
It will ensure the young person has access to safe, appropriate and supported accommodation by providing temporary accommodation, reconnection the young person to family, relatives, friends and support networks. It also provides in assisting the transition to independent living.
This service delivers a person-cantered, collaborative and connected way and deliver culturally appropriate and safe services supporting Aboriginal and culturally and linguistically diverse persons.
This service supports: young people
Lead provider: Mission Australia
Phone: (08) 8084 3700