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Inner City Service for women With Complex Needs (Restoration)

The service supports women with complex needs who are experiencing homelessness or are at risk of becoming homeless and who require specialised responses due to a range of circumstances or issues such as mental health issues, alcohol and other drug misuse issues, and exiting correctional facilities or health institutions.

It delivers early intervention, outreach support and works collaboratively with housing providers, other organisations and individual women to assist and prevent an episode of homelessness occurring. This may include providing; assessment, support, case management, case coordination (including other services such as Health providers), referrals and other responses that may be required to prevent an episode of homelessness.

The service has a strong focus on responses for Aboriginal people and is accessible to people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

This service provides three women’s refuges:

  • B Miles Women's Foundation - 1800 274 984
  • Detour House – (02) 9660 4137
  • Community Restorative Centre Inc – (02) 9288 8700

This service supports: women

Lead provider: B Miles Women's Foundation Inc Partner providers: Detour House, Community Restorative Centre

Phone: 1800 274 984 Provider partners: 9660 4137 and 9288 8700