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Inner City Sydney Homelessness Service - St Vincent de Paul

This service supports women, men, and families who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. It also supports those who are living temporarily with family or friends, people who are couch surfing, leaving custody or health institutions. There will be systems in place to effectively respond to women and children experiencing domestic and family violence and have the appropriate service response to them.

It supports client in crisis and work with other Specialist Homelessness Services to stop the cycle of homelessness and delivers innovative solutions to reduce the drift of people into the inner city.

This service supports clients to re-enter the workforce and coordinate support to assist them to develop skills and access education. It also partners with health and other services to improve access to mental health treatment and other health supports. It also assists clients to secure stable and affordable housing.

This service has a strong focus on responses for Aboriginal people and is accessible to people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

This service includes:

  • Matthew Talbot Homeless Services - Inner City

This service supports: young people; women; men; Aboriginal people; families

Lead provider: St Vincent de Paul Society NSW

Phone: 13 18 12 Matthew Talbot Homeless Service - Inner City: (02) 9358 8102