Liverpool Fairfield Multipurpose Women with Children's Accommodation, Support and Domestic and Family Violence Services
This service supports women with or without children who are homelessness or at risk of homelessness and women and children experiencing domestic and/ family violence.
It delivers safe and supported counselling, safety planning, crisis and transitional accommodation, rapid rehousing, and intensive support for client with complex needs. Prevention and early intervention will be addressed through links with other early intervention services.
The service has a strong focus on responses for Aboriginal women and their children and is accessible to people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.
This service provides Domestic Violence Response Enhancement (DVRE) to strength their after-hours responses to women in crisis.
This service includes refuges:
- Bonnie Women’s Refuge
- Mimosa House
This service supports: women; Aboriginal people; families
Lead provider: Bonnie Support Services Ltd
Phone: (02) 9729 0939