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Mid North Coast Homeless Youth Assistance Program (HYAP) Coffs Harbour-Nambucca

This service operating as Wesley Youth Accommodation Service Coffs Bellingen Nambucca, supports children and young people ages 12 – 15 years who are experiencing homeless or at risk of homelessness in the Bellingen, Coffs Harbour, Nambucca Valley LGA. It also provides outreach to communities outside the main areas of Coffs Harbour, Port Macquarie and Kempsey.

It provides early intervention and prevention and targeted range of supports, including individualised, flexible and holistic care plans exploring the objectives of family restoration, health, wellbeing, education and community connectivity. Caseworkers aid the delivery of the care plan with multiple components from a range of providers, including brokerage, joint case management and supported referrals.

Children and young people who can remain in the family home or safely live with an extended family member will be provided support only. Where this is not possible, children and young people will be provided with support and accommodation, and the service will facilitate the creation of support networks to provide children and young people with the community engagement needed to reduce the likelihood of re-entry to homelessness.

This service has a strong focus on Aboriginal and young people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

This service supports: young people

Lead provider: Wesley Community Services Limited

Phone: (02) 5646 5755