New England Aboriginal Specialist Homelessness Support Services
This service operating as Armajun Aboriginal Health Service, supports Aboriginal people, including young people, women, and families (as well as those affected by domestic and family violence), as well as men or families who are at risk of homelessness. It also supports people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.
It supports clients in the geographical areas of Tamworth, Gunnedah, Liverpool Plains, Uralla, Walcha, Inverell, Armidale Regional, Glen Innes Severn, Taterfield, Gwydir, Moree Plains and Narrabri.
It provides prevention and early intervention to young people with complex needs, young parents, and those leaving care or institutions and corrective services. It also provides brokerage, intake and referrals, case management and rapid rehousing for families and individuals over 16 years of age.
This service supports: young people; women; men; Aboriginal people; families
Lead provider: Armajun Health Service Aboriginal Corporation Provider Partners: Tamworth Aboriginal Medical Service Inc, Plus X Aboriginal Corporation
Phone: 1800 276 2586