Newcastle, Lake Macquarie and Port Stephens Aboriginal Youth Homelessness Support Service
This service operating as Wandiyali, supports Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander young people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness in the Newcastle, Lake Macquarie, Port Stephens Local government areas.
It will support them to remain safely in their existing housing, or where appropriate use a range of approaches to assist them to secure and sustain safe and stable housing. It endeavours to keep families together by resolving issues leading to homelessness.
It provides client-centred, culturally appropriate homelessness support, including prevention and early intervention, rapid rehousing, crisis and transitional accommodation, and intensive responses for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people with complex needs or leaving care or other institutions.
This service supports: young people; Aboriginal people
Lead provider: Wandiyali
Phone: (02) 4957 5900