Northern Sydney Homeless Youth Assistance Program (HYAP)
This service operating as Taldumande Youth Services supports unaccompanied children and young people aged 12 – 15 years old, who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of becoming homeless in the Northern Sydney District. It also includes children and young people who are couch surfing and sleeping rough.
It delivers intensive case management, brokerage, outreach and supported accommodation.
Post-crisis support is offered through assertive outreach and can provide support with sustaining tenancies, continued linkages with relevant clinical and professional services, and the family dynamic where required.
The target client group may include, but will not be limited to, clients: who have experienced family breakdown, domestic or family violence, have or are experiencing trauma, may be disengaged from education, have been involved in alcohol and other drug misuse, have experienced mental health issues, are at risk of being involved in criminal activity and/or may have been involved in the juvenile justice system, and leaving Out of Home Care.
This service has a strong focus in supporting Aboriginal young people and young people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.
This service supports: young people
Lead provider: Taldumande Youth Services Inc
Phone: (02) 9460 3777