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Port Macquarie-Hastings Homelessness Support Service for Women

This service operating as Liberty Domestic and Family Violence Specialist Service supports women and children experiencing domestic and/or family violence who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. This service also support single women who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.

The priority group includes women, with low, medium and high needs, Aboriginal women, women from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, women who have a disability, mental illness and those with alcohol and drug misuse issues.

It delivers prevention and early intervention, case management, brokerage, supported crisis and transitional accommodation and rapid rehousing. It also has an intensive response for complex needs clients, post-crisis support and follow-up support to help present individuals and families who have resolved their homelessness from becoming homeless again.

This service provides Domestic Violence Response Enhancement (DVRE) to strength their after-hours responses to women in crisis.

This service provides a women’s refuge:

  • Hastings Women and Children's Refuge.

This service supports: women; Aboriginal people; families

Lead provider: Liberty Domestic and Family Violence Specialist Services Incorporated

Phone: (02) 6583 2155