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South Eastern Sydney Homeless Youth Assistance Program - St George and Sutherland

This service, operating as Project Youth, supports children and young people under 16 years who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of becoming homeless.

It’s client-focused, wraparound support with a holistic approach that will help young people who are at risk of homelessness remain at home, improve family relationships, increase community connectedness, and address known risk factors that are affecting their lives. It ensures that intensive and integrated support with specialist services such as mental health, drug and alcohol or trauma counselling is facilitated with the client. It also ensures children and young people will be supported to continue or access education, employment and training options.

It provides prevention and early intervention support, case management, a mentoring program, accommodation responses, and post crisis support.

This service has a strong focus on responses for Aboriginal young people and young people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

This service supports: young people

Lead provider: Project Youth

Phone: (02) 9525 7919