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Helping Hand

This service delivers prevention and early intervention, brokerage and post crisis support to young people ages 16 years old and over, who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of becoming homeless to achieve safe, affordable and sustainable housing.

It covers the Local Government areas of Bayside, Georges River and Sutherland Shire.

It provides case management, post crisis support and conduct regular outreach support in the community with other services to provide information, referral and support.

Priorities are given to Aboriginal young people and young people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, including refugees and newly arrived migrants, people who are identified as sleeping rough.

This service has a brokerage component. It also works to build capacity and cultural capability in Specialist Homelessness Services (SHS) service delivery for clients, and strengthen the local service system.

This service supports: young people

Lead provider: 2Connect Youth & Community Incorporated

Phone: (02) 9556 1769