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Transgender Homelessness Support Service

This service operating as The Gender Centre, supports transgender persons at any stage of transition aged 18 years and over who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of becoming homeless. It’s located in Sydney and will have the capacity to provide a state-wide service.

It provides the transgender community with supported crisis refuge and transitional accommodation, and rapid rehousing. Once housed, post-crisis support is provided through wraparound support packages to maintain stable housing.

This service will intervene early to prevent homelessness and provide support to those at risk of becoming homelessness by addressing tenancies at risk. It will also support people to find alternative safe, affordable long-term accommodation. Additionally, this service will provide information, case-management and referral to other support agencies.

This service ensures responses are accessible to Aboriginal people and people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, as well as those who are experiencing mental health issues, alcohol and drug misuse, addictions, people involved in sex work, sexual health issues, and recent release from correctional centres.

This service supports: women; men

Lead provider: The Gender Centre Inc.

Phone: (02) 9519 7599