About Future Directions
Future Directions is a 10 year plan to drive better outcomes for social housing tenants.
How we got here
In developing the Future Directions strategy, the NSW Government asked the community to provide innovative ideas to reform the system.
This extensive consultation process began with the release of Social Housing in NSW: a discussion paper for input and comment.
Consultations ran from November 2014 to February 2015. DCJ held face-to-face consultations sessions, round tables and focus groups. We also called for submissions in response to the discussion paper and enabled on-line feedback. Throughout the process a number of themes emerged consistently as priorities for us to consider when developing a new direction for social housing in NSW.
Following the consultations, DCJ released a What We Heard summary paper.
On the 25 May 2015, the Minister for Department of Communities and Justice and Social Housing held a discussion forum at Sydney Technology Park as a follow up to the public consultation process. Approximately 200 participants took part in the discussion forum, including social housing tenants and representatives of the finance, community housing, social enterprise, social welfare, disability, aged care/retirement living, and property development sectors. A report, Thinking about the future, summarises feedback from the forum.
The NSW Government continues to work closely with the community on the implementation of Future Directions.