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Information for landlords and agents of leased properties

What is the Social Housing Management Transfer (SHMT) Program?

The SHMT Program is the transfer of management of Communities and Justice (DCJ) social housing properties to community housing providers (CHPs) in certain locations in NSW. There are around 14,000 properties transferring through this process. The SHMT Program is a key initiative under the Future Directions for Social Housing in NSW (Future Directions).

The transfers that are currently under way will see approximately 32% of social housing in NSW being managed by CHPs. The transfers are occurring in nine locations across four DCJ Districts. There will be no DCJ Housing presence in these locations when the transfers to CHPs take place.

What are the benefits of the SHMT program?

By increasing CHP management of social housing properties the NSW Government will be able to:

  • make the most of community networks to deliver better long term outcomes for our tenants and applicants
  • make the social housing system stronger and more diverse
  • access more sources of funding that are available to community housing providers to better support tenants
  • enhance the capacity and size of the community housing sector.

Funding for leased properties

Funding for the leasing program will not change and will continue to be provided by DCJ on an annual basis. Rent paid to the landlord also remains unchanged.

What are the strengths of CHPs?

The community housing sector has been active for over 30 years and currently manages around 28,000 properties across NSW.

NSW CHPs have an average tenant satisfaction rate of 79 per cent. This is largely a feature of their experience in facilitating support services and undertaking meaningful community engagement.

What safeguards are in place to monitor the CHPs?

All CHPs who are selected to provide social housing services are required to be registered with the National Regulatory System for Community Housing (NRSCH).

The NRSCH aims to ensure a well governed, well managed and viable community housing sector that meets the housing needs of tenants and provides assurance for government and investors. For information about the NRSCH please refer to

Where will management transfers occur?

Current management of social housing in the following locations will be transferred to CHPs by 2020:

  • Northern Sydney District (excluding Ivanhoe Estate)
  • Mid North Coast District
  • Hunter New England (excluding Lake Macquarie LGA and Newcastle LGA)
  • Shoalhaven LGA

When will transfers of leased properties to CHPs take place?

It is expected that all leased properties within each of the transfer locations will be transitioned by December 2019. DCJ will inform the landlords/agents of the specific transition timeframes.

At the time of transfer, your lease/s will be transferred to the CHP via a Deed of Assignment and Consent (Deed) that is signed by the landlord/agent, NSW Land and Housing Corporation (LAHC) and the CHP.

DCJ will endeavour to make the transition of all leased properties to each CHP as seamless as possible.

For landlords who currently lease to DCJ

What does this mean for the landlord/agent of the leased property?

When the transfers occur, CHPs will assume the tenancy management responsibility for the social housing properties in each location. This means there will no longer be a DCJ Housing presence, and CHPs will become the point of contact for landlords.

What should I do now?

You do not need to do anything right now.

DCJ will send you a Deed of Assignment and Consent (Deed) for your execution, when your leases/s is/are ready to be transferred to the CHP.

DCJ will continue to be your point of contact for all tenancy management matters until the management of your property or properties is transferred to the CHP.

DCJ will continue to keep you and any tenants informed ahead of any changes to assist with the transition of the transfer of the lease to the CHP.

For landlords about to enter into a new lease or renew an existing lease with DCJ

What should I do now?

You do not need to do anything right now.

The lease that you enter into and sign off will include the following clause:-

Despite anything else in this Lease the landlord agrees that New South Wales Land and Housing Corporation can assign or transfer this lease without consent to any social housing provider as defined in section 136 of the Residential Tenancies Act 2010.

DCJ will continue to be your point of contact for all tenancy management matters until the management of your property or properties is transferred to the CHP.

DCJ will continue to keep you and any tenants informed ahead of any changes to assist with the transition of the transfer of the lease to the CHP.

Who can I talk to about leasing arrangements?

For all current property lease matters please contact your DCJ District contact.

For all matters relating to the SHMT Program, please email the Management Transfers mailbox at:

Upon receipt of your email, a staff representative from the SHMT Program will be in contact you to assist you with your enquiry.

For Tenants

If a headlease tenant needs to report a maintenance problem after the transfer date, they should call the new community housing provider directly.

Where can I find more information?

For more information about the SHMT Program.

For more information about Future Directions.

Are all your questions answered?

If you have any questions about the transfers or want to talk to someone, you can:

  • Call the Housing Contact Centre on 1800 422 322. This is a free call from landlines, most mobile phones and the phones in your local DCJ Housing office.
  • Speak to your local Department of Communities and Justice client service team.
  • Visit Management transfer program
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Last updated: 09 Apr 2024