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This CHIF approach is unlocking new and exciting development and acquisition opportunities by partnering with the community housing sector, adding to the strong pipeline of new housing being delivered to support vulnerable people.

The combined total value of CHIF Round 1 and CHIF Stimulus projects is nearly $170 million with CHPs contributing around $93 million. An estimated five people are employed for each $1 million of building activity, which equates to around 850 jobs that will be created or sustained.

This CHIF approach is unlocking new and exciting development and acquisition opportunities by partnering with the community housing sector, adding to the strong pipeline of new housing being delivered to support vulnerable people.

The CHIF seeks to enhance the viability and longer-term sustainability of the community housing sector by supporting the growth of Community Housing Provider (CHP) owned portfolios. It also seeks to support the diversity of CHPs operating within the social housing system in NSW by offering smaller grants for identified projects thus allowing CHPs of all sizes to participate in the program.

The CHIF is based on a co-contribution model and seeks to leverage the additional resources providers are able to contribute to New Supply projects including debt, capital, land, tax concessions, philanthropy etc. along with community networks partnerships and local connections that can support tenants who will eventually live in these properties.

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Last updated: 09 Apr 2024