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Household income limits are a range of income thresholds that help to determine whether:

  • a household is eligible for a rent subsidy and what percentage of their income is paid as rent
  • at lease review, a household is eligible for a lease extension
  • a tenant leaving public housing after a lease review is eligible for Rentstart Move assistance.

The maximum income eligibility limit for any household type can be determined by adding together the income eligibility amounts for each adult and first child and any additional adults or children in the household.

Rent subsidy limits

Table 1. Rent subsidy income limits from 1 July 2024

Maximum gross weekly income (before tax)
HouseholdModerate income limit30% limitSubsidy eligibility limit
Household members (regardless of relationship)
Single adult$990$1,238$1,840
Each additional adult (18 years or over)Add $260Add $325Add $490
First child (under 18 years)Add $195Add $244Add $370
Each additional child (under 18 years)Add $135Add $169Add $245
Examples of types of households
Single adult$990$1,238$1,840
Single + 1 child$1,185$1,482$2,210
Single + 2 children$1,320$1,651$2,455
Single + 3 children$1,455$1,820$2,700
Single + 4 children$1,590$1,989$2,945
Couple + 1 child$1,445$1,807$2,700
Couple + 2 children$1,580$1,976$2,945
Couple + 3 children$1,715$2,145$3,190
Couple + 4 children$1,850$2,314$3,435

Lease review limits

Table 2. Lease review income limits from 1 July 2024

HouseholdMaximum gross income (before tax)
Household members (regardless of relationship)
First adult (Single)$1,238
Each additional adult (18 years or over)Add $325
First child (under 18 years)Add $244
Each additional child (under 18)Add $169
Examples of types of households
Single (first adult)$1,238
Single + 1 child$1,482
Single + 2 children$1,651
Single + 3 children$1,820
Single + 4 children$1,989
Couple + 1 child$1,807
Couple + 2 children$1,976
Couple + 3 children$2,145
Couple + 4 children$2,314
Disability Allowance (per person)Add $125
Exceptional Disability Allowance (per person)Add $295

Rentstart Move limits

Table 3. Rentstart Move income limits from 1 July 2024

HouseholdMaximum gross weekly income (before tax)
Household members (regardless of relationship)
Single adult$1,840
Each additional adult (18 years or over)Add $490
First child (under 18)Add $370
Each additional child (under 18)Add $245
Examples of types of households
Single adult$1,840
Single + 1 child$2,210
Single + 2 children$2,455
Single + 3 children$2,700
Single + 4 children$2,945
Couple + 1 child$2,700
Couple + 2 children$2,945
Couple + 3 children$3,190
Couple + 4 children$3,435

What if I don’t agree with the decision?

If you believe we made the wrong decision, you should first discuss your concerns with a client service officer. You can also ask to have the decision reviewed. To do this, fill in the Review of Decisions (First Tier Appeal) Application form available online or you can access a copy of this form at your local DCJ Housing office.

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Last updated: 01 Jul 2024