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No Exits from Government Services into Homelessness: A Framework for Multi-Agency Action

Many highly vulnerable people leaving government services have multiple and complex needs or experience unpredictable exit pathways that significantly increase their risk of homelessness.

Our vision is that no one leaves government services into homelessness.

The No Exits from Government Services into Homelessness: A framework for multi-agency action 2020 builds on a review of the 2012 Framework for Multiagency Client Transition Planning to Reduce Homelessness.

The Framework outlines agreed service principles for effective and coordinated planning across NSW government agencies to support people to move into stable accommodation.

A key aim of the Framework is to improve partnerships between agencies, Housing Pathways providers, Specialist Homelessness Services and other non-government support providers. This includes building understanding of the role of Australian Government services, such as the National Disability Insurance Scheme and Primary Health Networks, in providing essential supports to vulnerable groups.

Overview of the Framework

The Framework will coordinate and focus effort within and across government agencies to prevent exits into homelessness through consistent service principles, strengthened partnerships, an integrated approach for vulnerable clients and a shared understanding of what works.

The Framework outlines six areas for action:

  1. Aligning agency transition planning policies with best practice
  2. Rolling-out funded initiatives to prevent exits into homelessness
  3. Improving partnership arrangements with Housing Pathways providers
  4. Improving partnership arrangements with Specialist Homelessness Service and other NGO support providers
  5. Improving data and evidence about preventing exits into homelessness
  6. Developing business cases for addressing service system gaps.

Implementing the Framework

Rather than taking an agency-by-agency approach to implementing Framework, action planning will focus on key client groups identified in the NSW Homelessness Strategy as being particularly vulnerable to homelessness after leaving government services, including:

  • Young people leaving out-of-home care
  • Young people released from youth justice centres
  • People released from adult correctional facilities
  • People transitioning from health facilities
  • People leaving social housing following a failed tenancy.

These groups include Aboriginal people and people in rural and regional areas who are vulnerable to homelessness after leaving government services.

During the annual action planning process, agencies will work together to map existing and new initiatives against the key client groups and action areas, and identify emerging priority groups.

Agencies will jointly monitor the implementation of the Framework to identify ongoing service system gaps and work to improve service system capacity to prevent exits into homelessness.

Read No Exits from Government Services into Homelessness: A framework for multi-agency action 2020

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Last updated: 23 May 2024