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Lived Experience Committee for the NSW Housing and Mental Health Agreement

The NSW Housing and Mental Health Agreement 2022 is an agreement between NSW Health and the Department of Communities and Justice. It aims to support people who live with mental ill health to have timely access to safe, secure, appropriate housing; and mental health supports in place when needed, to sustain housing, live well in the community and lead their recovery. The Lived Experience Committee (LEC) aims to ensure that the voices of people experiencing mental ill health who access the social housing and/or homelessness systems are heard by decision makers and service providers, to lead and influence change in services and system.


StreetCare supports people with lived experience of homelessness to be effective advocates to achieve better outcomes for people experiencing or at risk of homelessness. StreetCare is managed by the Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) and funded by the Department of Communities and Justice. Further information on StreetCare can be found on the PIAC website.

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Last updated: 23 May 2024