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How is eligibility for affordable housing determined?

Initial eligibility for affordable housing mostly depends on household income, which must be within limits set by the NSW and/or Commonwealth Governments. The more people, including children, living in a household, the higher the household income is allowed to be.

Other factors may also be considered when assessing eligibility, including:

  • Australian citizenship or permanent residency
  • whether the household would be able to secure suitable or adequate housing in the private rental market
  • whether the household owns any assets (for example, a property) which they could be reasonably expected to use to solve their housing need.

Eligibility, including income limits, can vary depending on the way a property was funded or developed, and who manages it. Income eligibility limits set by the NSW Government are outlined in the NSW Affordable Housing Ministerial Guidelines PDF, 14062.98 KB. Income eligibility limits on properties receiving National Rental Affordability Scheme (NRAS) funding are outlined on the DSS website.

Tenants of affordable housing must remain eligible to stay in the affordable housing property and regular eligibility reviews are carried out by property managers.

For more information about renting affordable housing, or to apply, please see the section on renting affordable housing.

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Last updated: 10 Apr 2024