Develop affordable rental housing
Incentives for developing affordable housing, examples of affordable housing projects and how to partner with community housing providers
Floor space and other incentives
Under the Housing SEPP, floor space incentives for residential development projects (in accessible locations and where these uses are already permitted) may be available for projects which include some affordable rental housing.
The NSW Government has also announced amendments to the existing in-fill affordable housing provisions under the Housing SEPP to introduce a new floor space bonus of 30 per cent and a height bonus of 30 per cent for residential developments with at least 15 per cent affordable housing.
Affordable housing developed as part of a residential development project must remain as affordable housing for at least 10 years and must be managed by a registered community housing provider.
Boarding house development projects also need to be managed by a registered community housing provider and must be used as affordable housing in perpetuity.
Some local councils offer additional incentives to encourage the development of affordable housing. These may be offered through mechanisms such as a floor space bonus or negotiated/voluntary planning agreements.
For more information about floor space incentives or bonuses, contact the NSW Department of Planning on 1300 420 596
For more information about other incentives for developments including affordable housing, including if there are any available in a particular location, talk to the relevant council directly.
For more information about affordable housing, or if you have a question, contact us at