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The Protocol for Homeless People in Public Places

The Protocol for Homeless People in Public Places provides a framework for interactions between officials of participating NSW Government organisations and homeless people in public places.

The aim of the protocol is to ensure homeless people are treated respectfully and appropriately and are not discriminated against on the basis of their homeless status.

Framework for Multi-Agency Client Transition Planning to Reduce Homelessness

The transition from care or custody to independent living is often a difficult and vulnerable time for many people. This includes young people leaving statutory care, people being released from correctional facilities and patients transitioning from health facilities.

The Framework for Multi-Agency Client Transition Planning to Reduce Homelessness outlines agreed service principles for effective and coordinated planning across agencies to support people to transition into stable accommodation and independent living.

It will inform the transition planning policies and procedures of participating agencies to strengthen current practice and reduce homelessness.

Housing and Mental Health Agreement

FACS is committed to helping people in NSW with mental health issues who need assistance with housing.

People with mental health problems are among the most vulnerable members of our community. Their needs can be highly complex. Supporting them often requires collaboration between government and non-government agencies so that people can access the full range of services available to them.

The Housing and Mental Health Agreement provides a framework that covers planning, coordinating and delivering effective services to people with mental health issues who are living in social housing or who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.

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Last updated: 22 May 2024