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Is your tenant behind on rent or water charges?

Homes NSW or participating community housing providers offers Tenancy Assistance to eligible clients who are in rent and/or water arrears.

How does it work?                                                                    

Tenants can apply for Tenancy Assistance once in a 12-month period. The maximum amount of assistance cannot be more than the equivalent of four weeks’ rent. Most clients will receive less than this. We will encourage you to agree on a repayment plan with the tenant where possible.

Tenancy Assistance is not a loan and does not have to be repaid.

What are your roles and responsibilities?

Tenants can apply for Tenancy Assistance at their local Homes NSW housing office or participating community housing provider.

Tenants must have an agreement with you to continue the tenancy for up to 12 months to be eligible for Tenancy Assistance.

Your tenant will also need evidence of the arrears to apply for Tenancy Assistance. This evidence could include:

  • written notification of rent and/or water arrears e.g. letter or statement of account
  • Notice of Termination.

If your tenant is approved for Tenancy Assistance, we will pay the amount directly to your bank account.

How do you find out more?

You can find out more by calling the Housing Contact Centre on 1800 422 322.

Download this Tenancy Assistance factsheet as a PDF

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Last updated: 04 Feb 2025