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Changing, renewing or ending a tenancy

Understand how your tenancy with Homes NSW can be changed, renewed or ended

Tenant's choice

This section gives a brief overview of the choices public housing tenants can make regarding moving out of their current property.

It provides information about moving out of public housing, the mutual exchange program and recognition as a tenant.

Social housing tenants, including public housing tenants, may also apply for a transfer to another property if their current property is no longer suitable for their needs.

Moving out

Vacating a property

When tenants decide to leave public housing they should give the DCJ Housing 21 days notice in writing, or 14 days notice in writing if the tenant is on a fixed term Tenancy Agreement.

For more information please see the Ending a Tenancy policy.

Vacated accounts

When tenants move out of a property there may be amounts remaining in their accounts. This is known as a Vacated Account.

More information is available in the Account Management policy.

Claiming a Rental Bond

A bond can be claimed by the tenant or DCJ. The tenant can submit a claim through DCJ or directly with the NSW Fair Trading (NSWFT). However, Homes NSW will encourage tenants to always discuss the claim with their client service officer to facilitate agreement of any charges and refunds.

For more information go to the  DCJ Housing-Ministerial Guidelines for Rental Bonds-2018

Mutual exchange program

The mutual exchange program provides a way for Homes NSW tenants to move to a location they prefer, or to get more suitable accommodation, by exchanging with another Homes NSW tenant.

Homes NSW provides a computer matching service to help tenants find and contact other tenants living in Homes NSW properties that are suitable to mutually exchange. An exchange may involve more than 2 tenants.

The time taken to find a match depends on the availability of tenants in the desired location who want to exchange.

Homes NSW will only approve a mutual exchanges if:

  • rent accounts are up to date
  • water usage accounts are up to date
  • the number of bedrooms is appropriate to the size of the household
  • any damage to the current dwelling is fixed before moving
  • household income level does not exceed the income eligibility limits for public housing (this condition may by waived if the exchange is related to a medical condition or disability that means the current housing is unsuitable)
  • there are no substantiated nuisance and annoyance complaints against the tenancy
  • the tenant agrees to accept the relevant type and length of Tenancy Agreement when they move.

Recognition as a tenant

Recognition as a tenant is when Homes NSW agrees to transfer a tenant's right to live in a Homes NSW or Aboriginal Housing Office  property to another member of their household. This may occur if the tenant dies or leaves the property due to imprisonment, ill health or disability.

Homes NSW provides recognition as a tenant to ensure that household members will not be made homeless or forced to suffer undue hardship because the tenant has died or left the property.

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Last updated: 20 Aug 2024