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TV Antenna Service Policy

1Purpose of policy


The Homes NSW Television Antenna Service Policy outlines Homes NSW position on the installation and servicing of free to air TV antenna systems. The policy has been developed in consultation with the Aboriginal Housing Office (AHO), to ensure both agencies maintain a consistent approach.

1.2Background and policy links

Typically, household television (TV) antennas consist of an antenna and cables that lead to the TV outlet located on the wall. Some households may have an indoor antenna that is connected directly to the television. Such systems are able to receive free-to-air (FTA) TV signals from the major Australian TV channels.


The table below is a list of terms, keywords and/or abbreviations used throughout this document.

AHOAboriginal Housing Office
CHPCommunity Housing Provider
HeadleaseA private rental market lease which is sub-leased by Homes NSW to approved social housing tenants
PRSPRS Private Rental Subsidy is a Homes NSW product that provides funding assistance to eligible clients to rent in the private rental sector whilst awaiting allocation of a Homes NSW property

3Scope and application

This Policy applies to:

  • Properties owned and managed by Homes NSW including properties owned by the Aboriginal Housing Office
  • Headlease and Private Rental Subsidy properties

This policy does not apply to Homes NSW owned properties managed by Community Housing Providers (CHPs) under short term or long term leases.

Homes NSW response to TV antenna installation and service requests will depend on property ownership and leasing arrangements.

4Legislation and Policies

The Television Antenna service Policy was developed in accordance with:

5Policy statement

Homes NSW ensures its properties are habitable and fit for purpose through the timely delivery of maintenance to support Homes NSW property condition and asset performance standards. These standards and conditions reflect the requirements of the RTA.

5.1Television antenna service – free to air

Homes NSW install and maintain free to air TV antenna systems for properties it owns.

5.2Television antenna service – Pay Television facilities

Provision of Pay TV facilities and the related services are contractual arrangements between tenants and their service providers. Tenants must first request approval from Homes NSW to install a television antenna and/or cablings for Pay TV facilities. Information about tenant’s obligations and how to request a Pay TV antenna and cable installation is outlined in the Pay TV, Satellite Dishes and Antennas Policy.

5.3Free to air TV antenna for apartments with common antenna system

5.3.1 Homes NSW Head leased tenancies with a common antenna system

Responsibility for these common antenna systems is with the body corporate or owner’s corporation. Any concerns regarding the TV reception or service should be directed in writing to Homes NSW, who will then contact the private landlord or the landlord’s agent.

5.3.2 Private Rental Subsidy tenancies with a common antenna system

Private Rental Subsidy (PRS) clients must contact their Real Estate Agent or landlord for all matters concerning TV reception, installation and maintenance.

5.4Free to air TV antenna for properties with an individual antenna sys-tem

5.4.1 Homes NSW Head leased properties with an individual antenna system

In most instances, a TV antenna and cabling system will be installed in properties head leased by Homes NSW in the private rental market and any service requests must be directed by the tenant to Homes NSW. In instances where one has not been installed, Homes NSW will, after receiving a written request from the tenant, approach the private landlord or the landlord’s agent on behalf of the tenant. If approved, the tenant is responsible for the engagement and payment of a licensed contractor to complete the work.

5.4.2 Private Rental Subsidy tenancies with an individual antenna system

Private Rental Subsidy (PRS) clients must contact their Real Estate Agent or landlord for all matters concerning TV reception, installation and maintenance.

6Support and Advice

You can get advice and support about this policy from:

  • Homes NSW Portfolio Management Division. Refer to Homes NSW for contact in-formation.

7Appealing decisions or actions

Many decisions made by Homes NSW can be reviewed and appealed. If a tenant disagrees with a decision, they should first contact their Homes NSW Client Service Officer to discuss the matter. If they are still not satisfied, tenants can ask for the decision to be reviewed. A review is a formal process that checks whether the right decision has been made on a matter. For more information about how reviews work visit the appeals and reviewing decisions page.

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Last updated: 07 Aug 2024