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Your rights and responsibilities

The tenancy agreement you signed is a legal document that sets out the rights and responsibilities between a tenant and Homes NSW. Tenants and Homes NSW have to comply with the Residential Tenancies Act 2010.

Appeals and reviewing decisions

If you believe Homes NSW has made a wrong decision and the matter does not relate to the Residential Tenancies Act 2010, you should first discuss your concerns with a client service officer. You may also ask to have the decision reviewed by filling in the online Application for review of decisions form or obtain a form available at your local Homes NSW Housing Services office or at our website.

The Housing Appeals Committee (HAC) can undertake second tier appeals of decisions made by Homes NSW and community providers. The HAC website provides information on how to make appeals. HAC can also be contacted by phone on 1800 629 794. For further information, please see the Appeals and reviewing decisions factsheet.

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Last updated: 20 Aug 2024