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It is a requirement of the Boarding Houses Regulation that an applicant must have a successful screening tool assessment before they can reside in an assisted boarding house.

Assisted boarding houses are not suitable for people with moderate to high support needs.

The Screening Tool for Entry to Assisted Boarding Houses was introduced to prevent inappropriate placement of people with high and complex needs into assisted boarding houses.

The Screening Tool assesses a person’s support needs and their suitability to live in an assisted boarding house.

Screening tool assessments are conducted by Life Without Barriers and are valid for a period of up to 6 months.

To arrange a screening tool assessment, please contact:

Life Without Barriers
1800 444 125 Monday to Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm and select the appropriate number for the Assisted Boarding House Assessment option.

Alternatively, an email to arrange a Screening Tool assessment, can be sent to

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Last updated: 25 Jul 2023