Adoption factsheets
Collection of Factsheets related to adoption.
Showing 1 - 10 of 22 items
List of approved independent assessors and registered counsellors
List of approved independent assessors and registered counsellors
Working with Aboriginal families - Changes to the law - print version
Changes to child protection legislation support our goal to keep Aboriginal children and young people at home with their families, with their kin and in their communities.
Working with Aboriginal families - Changes to the law - web version
Changes to child protection legislation support our goal to keep Aboriginal children and young people at home with their families, with their kin and in their communities.
Changes to child protection and what it means - print version
Important changes to the child protection system came into effect on 4 February 2019. These changes aim to keep children safe at home, and if this isn’t possible, to work with urgency to find a [...]
Reviewable decisions following application to adopt Factsheet
Reviewable decisions following an application to adopt
Services for adopted children under 18 years and their families
Through open adoption adopted children and their families are encouraged to build connections, communicate with each other and gain information about each other.
Adoption Reunion and Information Register (RIR) pamphlet
Adoption Reunion and Information Register (RIR) pamphlet with contact details
Guide to drafting an open adoption plan
This guide is to be read in conjunction with the 'Registration of open adoption plans' factsheet to assist in deciding whether the open adoption plan is to be registered.
OOHC Adoption Allowance (means-tested)
This allowance helps children who have been adopted from out-of-home care and require ongoing financial support to meet their needs.
Costs for court report and registered counselling
Fees adoptive applicants pay to a contracted adoption assessor for preparing a court report or to a registered counsellor for the registered counselling