Child protection factsheets
Collection of factsheets related to child protection.
Showing 1 - 10 of 27 items
Under 16s policy update summary - Information sheet
DCJ has recently updated the Unaccompanied Children 12–15 Years Accessing Specialist Homelessness Services policy (the Under 16s policy).
Complex Needs Payment - Application Process Overview
Complex Needs Payment - Application Process Overview
PSP Process - Payment reconciliation
flow chart showing the PSP Process Payment reconciliation
Transfer and Placement of Aboriginal Children and Young People
The purpose of this paper is to give clear direction on the transfer and placement of Aboriginal children.
Working with Aboriginal families - Changes to the law - print version
Changes to child protection legislation support our goal to keep Aboriginal children and young people at home with their families, with their kin and in their communities.
Working with Aboriginal families - Changes to the law - web version
Changes to child protection legislation support our goal to keep Aboriginal children and young people at home with their families, with their kin and in their communities.
Changes to child protection and what it means - print version
Important changes to the child protection system came into effect on 4 February 2019. These changes aim to keep children safe at home, and if this isn’t possible, to work with urgency to find a [...]
Changes to child protection and what it means - web version
Important changes to the child protection system came into effect on 4 February 2019. These changes aim to keep children safe at home, and if this isn’t possible, to work with urgency to find a [...]
PSP Away from Placement Policy (January 2022)
This policy supports management of away from placement events experienced by (1) children in OOHC, in primary case responsibility of a PSP provider; and (2) young adults receiving after-care support and services, arranged by their [...]
PSP Family Preservation Packages Business Rules
The PSP Family Preservation Package has been designed to provide the supports to maintain children safely at home with their families.