Adoption publications
List of all publications related to Adoption
Showing 1 - 10 of 28 items
Open adoption - mandatory written information for parents of a child in out-of-home care
This booklet provides information for parents about out-of-home care open adoption. Parents should read this booklet when their child is being considered for open adoption. This is mandatory written information under the Adoption Act 2000.
Out-of-home-care Open Adoption Sibling Information
This booklet tells siblings what they need to know when open adoption is being considered for their brother or sister living in out-of-home-care.
Adoption search guide
This guide is for people interested in finding information about an adoption that occurred in NSW. It will also assist those looking to locate and contact a family member.
Open adoption as a pathway to permanency
Infographic about how we’re working to increase the number of open adoptions in NSW
Guide to drafting a registered open adoption plan
This guide is to be read in conjunction with the factsheet 'Registration of Open Adoption Plans' to assist in deciding whether the open adoption plan is to be registered.
The gap between knowing and doing: developing practice in open adoption from OOHC in NSW
This documents highlights the findings of a study undertaken by FACS to support the development of OOHC adoption practice and culture
2016 - Journeys to Permanency Through Open Adoption Practice
This is an online practice guide for open adoption. Authored by Dr Tanya Bretherton, Senior Research Officer in the OOHC Adoption Research Initiative Team. Team members: Senior Research Officer Ms Tracey Webb and Principal Research [...]
Adoption Act 2000 How it affects you Post Adoption for adoptions made after 1 January 2010
The Adoption Act 2000 allows adopted people, adoptive parents, birth parents and siblings of an adopted person to gain information about each other from the day the adoption order is made
The future of open adoption in NSW
Report from the Ministerial Open Adoption Forum on the importance of openness in adoption, current challenges and our efforts to create a more streamlined and transparent system
Written information on adoption for parents of an Aboriginal child
This booklet provides important information for parents who are considering the adoption of their child who is Aboriginal