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Guiding principles

Homes NSW is committed to meeting the needs of tenants with medical or disability housing requirements, and to comply with its obligations under the Commonwealth’s Disability Discrimination Act 1992 to make reasonable adjustments to its properties to support these tenants to live independently.

Approach to reasonable adjustment in NSW public housing

Homes NSW supports tenants with disability or medical needs by making reasonable adjustments to public housing so that they can live safely and independently in their home.

Homes NSW will provide a range of home modifications to public housing tenants’ homes including (but not limited to) standard items such as grab rails, lever taps and strobe smoke alarms to major modifications such as bathroom adjustments and ramps.

These modifications are considered reasonable adjustments if they:

  • will help the tenant (or their household member) with a disability or medical need to live independently and safely in the dwelling; and
  • enhance accessibility for the tenant or their household member.

What modifications are beyond reasonable adjustment?

Homes NSW defines modifications beyond reasonable adjustment as those that:

  • require major structural changes or additions to the property; or
  • are not suited to the site conditions (eg slope of the land or configuration) of the tenant’s home; or
  • are requested in a property that is included in a sale or redevelopment program; or
  • require the construction of a new, purpose-built home; or
  • cater for, or are a result of, specialist disability equipment; or
  • do not specifically relate to the tenant or their household members’ disability or medical needs.

What if I need home modifications beyond reasonable adjustment?

Homes NSW’s Tenant Pathway - Modifications Beyond Reasonable Adjustment sets out a pathway for Homes NSW staff to assist tenants in examining options to meet their modification needs if their request is considered beyond reasonable adjustment.

If a suitable solution cannot reasonably be found to address the needs of the tenant that relates to their disability or medical requirement, Homes NSW will consider the modification of the tenant’s existing home on a case by case basis.

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Last updated: 01 Jul 2024