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Interim Modifications While Going Through This Process

If a tenant’s or authorised household representative’s (referred to as tenant hereafter) request for home modifications, is assessed as being beyond reasonable adjustment as outlined in Homes NSW’s Reasonable Adjustments for Home Modifications (Disability) in NSW Public Housing. Homes NSW will follow the below pathway (in order of progression) to assist the tenant to obtain the modifications suitable to their medical or disability needs.

Where funding for modifications is provided by a provider other than Homes NSW, the Alterations to a Home policy is to be followed.

1. National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

Public Housing tenants who may be eligible for a NDIS package and who require home modifications that are considered beyond reasonable adjustment may be referred by Homes NSW to the NDIA to apply for funding of their adjustments within the National Disability Insurance Scheme.

2. Aged Care Assessment Tests

Tenants aged over 65 years (or over 50 years for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders) who require modifications to a dwelling that are considered beyond reasonable adjustment may be referred by Homes NSW to My Aged Care for an assessment by the Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT) and application for Federal Government funding for their home modifications.

3. Other support providers

Tenants who require modifications to a dwelling that are considered beyond reasonable adjustment and who may be eligible may be referred to iCare, Veterans affairs, or other agencies to apply for funding for their home modifications through those agencies.

4. Specialist Disability Accommodation

Public Housing tenants who require specialist equipment or significant adjustments that are considered beyond reasonable adjustment may be referred by Homes NSW to Specialist Disability Accommodation providers to apply for a specialist disability accommodation dwelling.

5. Relocation to a More Suitable Public Housing Dwelling

Where the property is deemed unsuitable to be modified to meet the needs of the tenant, Homes NSW will work with the tenant to find a property that is more suited to the medical or disability modification needs required by the tenant.

If a tenant requires relocation for this reason, Homes NSW may provide financial assistance to the tenant for the relocation.

6. No Suitable Relocation Property

If the property tenant is not eligible for a NDIS package, an Aged Care Package, or Specialist Disability Accommodation, and a relocation property suitable for (or already in possession of) modifications required by the tenant cannot be found, Homes NSW may undertake the necessary medical or disability modifications needed in the property the tenant currently occupies.

Any modifications must still comply with assessment criteria that the modification must be:

  • directly related to the tenant and/or their carer’s disability or medical reasons only, and
  • necessary in assisting the tenant to live independently and safely in the dwelling.

7. Appeals Process

Many decisions made by Homes NSW can be reviewed and appealed. A review is a formal process that checks whether the right decision has been made on a matter. If you think the wrong decision has been made you can talk to the person who made the decision or another Homes NSW staff member. If you are still not satisfied, you can ask for the decision to be reviewed. For more information, visit the Appeals and reviewing decisions page and the Appeals policy on the FACS website.

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Last updated: 01 Jul 2024